Question #2: Who Is Owning The Trend? (Competitive Landscape)

Updated by Yarden Horwitz

This article will show you the steps to take to determine the top brands for a specific trend or category. This allows you to identify brands doing well in the space and understand the market competition.

  1. First, navigate to a specific category or trend. For this example, we'll be looking at the eye makeup products category.
    You can navigate to a category or trend from the home page, the "industry" section on the side panel, or the search bar at the top of the Spate dashboard.

  1. Scroll down to find the brands section, where you'll find every brand being searched alongside the eye makeup category — this includes all the brands that consumers are searching for across all eye makeup subcategories and products. In the Brands section, you can filter and sort the list of brands by clusters, search volume, increase in search volume, and year-over-year growth.
    By default, the brands are ranked by volume. This will indicate which brands are most mainstream and dominating the category.

  1. Sort the brands by increase in order to identify the brands that are driving the biggest increase in searches — these brands are the top drivers and are having the strongest positive impact on the category.

  1. Sort by YoY in order to identify the brands with the highest growth rate. These brands may often be smaller in volume, but this metric can highlight new up-and-coming brands to keep an eye on. Breakout growth indicates a growth rate of >1,000% since last year.
    Many high growth brands may be classified as falling stars. These brands may have received a surge in interest due to a launch, a media publication, or an influencer but interest did not sustain. Filter by rising clusters to highlight the high growth brands that are continuing to show strong growth.

  1. When you've found a brand that you're interested in, click the row to see how its search volume has changed over time, the top search queries, and the option to explore the brand. The explore option will take you to a brand page, where you can explore consumer searches for the overall brand.

  1. Follow these same steps within any category to find the top brands and explore how the different filters affect the list of brands.

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