Watchlists for tracking a custom list of trends or brands

Updated by Yarden Horwitz

  1. Add a topic to a new or existing watchlist. Navigate to a product, topic, or brand page that you want to include in your custom watchlist. Click on "Add to Watchlist" and add it to an existing watchlist, or create a new watchlist.
    To create a new watchlist, click on the "new watchlist" option at the top and give your watchlist a name. In this example, we'll create a watchlist and name it "New Project".

  1. Add another trend to your watchlist. Navigate to another topic, product, or brand that you would like to include as part of your custom list.

  1. Access your watchlist. You can find and access your watchlist from the homepage or side navigation panel of the Spate dashboard.

  1. Explore your watchlist. When viewing a specific watchlist, you can compare the time series for the trends and brands at the top by filtering.
    Below the time series, you can also filter and sort the trends and brands in the same way you can throughout the dashboard (using filters across clusters, search volume, growth and benchmark stats). When you do so, the time series above reflects that filtering and sorting.

  1. Remove a topic, product, or brand from your watchlist.

  1. Download/export watchlist data. If you'd like to download the data for your watchlist, you can do so by clicking "export data". For the top chart, you can export the data as an image file or csv file. For the bottom section of the watchlist (the category cards section), you can download the card data as a csv file which will include metrics such as average monthly search volume, year-on-year growth, increase in average monthly search volume, clusters, and benchmark stats. You can also download the time series data for the category cards as a csv file.

  1. Edit or delete a watchlist. To edit or delete a watchlist, click the "edit" button on the top right. Here you can edit the name and description of the watchlist, or you can choose to delete your watchlist.

  1. Copy a Spate pre-built watchlist and make it your own. Navigate to the Spotlights section on the dashboard, either from the homepage or the side navigation panel. Find a Spotlight that includes the term "watchlist" in the title. Click through to this spotlight for a pre-made curated list from Spate.
    In this example, the pre-made watchlist covers clean beauty brands.

Make a copy of the pre-made watchlist by clicking the "copy" option at the top right.

  1. Share a watchlist with a colleague. Click on the "publish" option at the top right of the watchlist. If you'd like to share it with others, switch the settings from "private" to "subscribers". You can share the pre-populated link with others that have access to the Spate dashboard, and they'll be able to view your watchlist.

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