Related Search Pages

Updated by Yarden Horwitz

  1. What is a Related Search? A related search is the term/keyword that consumers are including alongside a trend or a product in their search query. For example, in the search "organic face cream" — face cream is the trend while "organic" is the related search. A Related Search page shows everything that the term/keyword is being searched with by industry, category, or product.

  1. Spotting new underlying consumer needs through Related Search pages. While you can search the Spate dashboard by product and brand, you might also be interested in exploring qualifiers such as claims, concerns, questions, retailers, designs/themes, and even demo.
    For example, the Related Search page will show you every product or brand on the Spate dashboard that is searched alongside the term "Men" or "Mature Skin" or "Oily". This is a great way to figure out if a claim or concern is trending in itself, or if it's just experiencing growth alongside one product. Trending claims and concerns are important for spotting new underlying consumer needs — and a rising tide floats all boats.

  1. Which brands are owning which qualifiers? Identify the brands that are being searched alongside claims, concerns, demo. As well, explore which brands are showing up for retailers. This will demonstrate the brands that consumers are searching alongside Sephora, Ulta, Walmart, and more.

Related Search pages do not include the volume for the keyword/term on its own, unless it is included as a category or brand within the dashboard. For example, retailers are classified as related searches only. Therefore, the dashboard is not measuring the search volume for Ulta on its own, but for Ulta + a classified topic, product, or brand.

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