Question #3: How to position a product based on consumer needs?

Updated by Yarden Horwitz

This article will explain what related searches are and how you can use them to better understand what consumers are looking for within a brand or trend. Use related search to decide which ingredients to include, which claims or concerns to include in your messaging, which questions to answer via content, and which keywords to leverage for SEO/SEM.

  1. A related search is the keyword that consumers are including alongside a trend or a product in their search query. For example, in the search "organic face cream" — face cream is the trend while "organic" is the related search. In this article, we'll be looking at the related searches for hair care products. Navigate to the hair care products page to identify the trending claims, concerns, ingredients across all the hair care product categories.

  1. In the related searches section, you can filter by cluster, sort by search volume, increase in search volume or growth, and filter by group. Each group includes certain classifications of related searches, such as concerns, benefits, ingredients, clean beauty-related claims, questions, and more. Increase in search volume will highlight the top drivers of change across the hair care products category. Filter by rising clusters to identify all the top drivers that are demonstrating upwards trajectory.

  1. In this example, we are interested in finding the top ingredients associated with hair care products. By filtering the group for Ingredients, we are left with only the ingredient-related searches.

  1. When you've found an ingredient that you're interested in, click the row to see how its search volume has changed over time, the top search queries, and the option to explore the ingredient itself across all Spate dashboard categories.

  1. Now that you know how to utilize the related search section, you can follow these steps throughout the dashboard.

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