Spate Clusters

Clusters refer to the shape of a trend’s search volume over time. Spate has 8 types of clusters.

sustained riser: Steady growth over the past years, these trends are safe bets  sustained decliner Steady decline over the past years, these trends are fading out  seasonal riser Seasonal trends that are likely to come back even stronger  seasonal decliner Seasonal trends that are likely to decrease in demand every year  rising star Sudden growth within the past months, these trends might not last  falling star Fads that have reached their peak and have already started to decline rapidly  flat No significant growth in the past years  seasonal flat Seasonal trends with no significant growth in the past years

📈 The rising clusters including Sustained Risers, Seasonal Risers, and Rising Stars. Sustained Risers have steady growth over the past years and are safe bets. Seasonal Risers are seasonal trends that are likely to come back even stronger. Rising Stars experience sudden growth within a few months and these trends are risky considering they might not last. Sustained and seasonal rising trends are safer bets for long term planning whereas a rising star trend is good for a brand that is willing to take a risk or is thinking about short term planning (ie a social media campaign that will launch in the next month or so).

📉 The three declining clusters are the opposites of the rising clusters. Sustained Decliners have steadily declined over the past years and are definitely fading out. Seasonal Decliners are seasonal trends that are likely to decrease in demand every year. Falling Stars are fads that reached their peak and have rapidly declined.

Finally, Flat trends are those that aren’t rising but also declining.

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