What is Spate?

At Spate, we use data science to predict the next big consumer trend in beauty and wellness. We tap into publicly available consumer data (anonymous and aggregated) to identify exciting shifts in consumer behavior. We leverage the latest available technology in machine learning to solve problems in ways that have never been explored before. Think of it as Data Science for Sociology. And we make all this data accessible to you through our platform, giving you the power to find trends and create insights yourself. 

What type of search data does Spate use?

Spate data is based on what consumers are searching for, not what users are clicking through in the search results. As such, our data does not take advertising into consideration. Instead, Spate data truly reflects organic search.

How often is the data refreshed?

Our data is refreshed on a monthly basis. On the second week of every month, you’ll have access to the prior month's search queries on the Spate dashboard.

How many years of data does Spate use?

All Spate data on the dashboard includes the past 3 years of search queries. Spate has 5 years of data available on the backend.

Which regions does Spate cover?

Spate data covers the United States, UK, and France (launching 2022).

How does the prediction data work and how accurate is it?

Our prediction model uses the past 3 years of search data to create a prediction for the following year. It looks at seasonal patterns and general trends to make its prediction and it’s accurate 75% of the time.

We also have a likelihood score for each trend. When we’re fairly sure the trend will rise in the next year, we label it as Likely or Very Likely. When we’re fairly sure the trend will decline in the next year, we label it as Unlikely or Very Unlikely. For those trends that we aren’t sure if it will rise or decline, we label Uncertain.

How often are reports published and can they be downloaded?

Reports are typically published on a weekly basis and are made available to all subscribers. You can download all of our reports, including the Tableau/interactive reports, as a PDF

How does Spate make sure you're covering every trend and brand?

Every month we scrape the internet for new trends and brands that consumers are searching for.

Help, I can't find a trend that I'm interested in?

If the trend you’re looking for isn't on our dashboard, feel free to make a suggestion. To learn how to make suggestions, check out this article. However, Spate only tracks the trends that consumers are actually searching for. If consumers aren't looking for a specific trend, it won't have enough search volume and the trend will not make it to our dashboard. For example, some trends that are being pushed by brands or manufacturers might not be well known to consumers so there isn't enough search data.

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